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This is a first summary of what we are doing to reduce our environmental impact.
Last Update: 01/2022


Ecological Sustainability


5 Years Of Warranty

  1. inoage grants 5 years of limited manufacturer's warranty to the purchaser of MADRIX hardware products.
  2. Customers can be certain of the longevity of MADRIX products beyond this time frame thanks to the usage of high-quality components.
    Those include Neutrik plugs and power supplies from MEAN WELL, for example.
  3. The average hardware failure and return rate is only 0.18 % (Last update: 02/2021). MADRIX products have thus proven to be extremely reliable in practice.
  4. Should a product be sent back, repair always takes priority before completely replacing the product.
  5. Fail-safe products reduce the necessity and costs for maintenance, repair, and re-acquisition for all parties involved.
  6. MADRIX hardware is developed in such a way that the firmware can easily be updated. Hence, issues can be fixed and new features can be provided even after manufacturing. This extends the products' service life many times over.
  7. MADRIX products are hence designed for a sustainable life cycle from the beginning.



Made in Germany

  1. inoage mainly works together with local production companies. Shorter supply routes thus reduce the carbon footprint. All partners are committed to more sustainable and ecologically friendly business practices.
  2. inoage is a German company. Development and manufacturing are done locally. The majority of the value chain is based in Germany.



Energy Consumption

  1. The grid operator for the office building is committed to strict standards. They produce ecological power from 100 % renewable sources and according to the criteria of the Greenpeace e.V. environmental organization.
  2. Power consumption of MADRIX hardware is low. During normal operation less than 5 W are needed.




  1. MADRIX products are sold worldwide. The goal is to partner with local distributors to bundle product shipments for each country. Instead of a large number of single shipments, consolidating them into one large delivery is preferred.
  2. inoage has arranged with select partners to proactively fill up shipments with additional units in order to optimize the available space.
  3. One of the latest instruments is the addition of bulk packaging. Products are increasingly order for big projects in large quantities. But not every part of the packaging is needed for such large orders. Packaging is reduced to a minimum to ensure safe transport. In this way, unnecessary materials are not being shipped in the first place.




  1. inoage has deliberately chosen cardboard as the main part of the product packaging, since it is a renewable resource. In addition, it can be recycled completely and has many other advantages.
  2. inoage also actively minimizes the usage of plastics in order to reduce the environmental impact.
  3. Regarding printing companies, inoage pays attention to various certificates, such as FSC, as well as certified production processes. Possibilities of reducing the carbon footprint are used if possible.