MADRIX Forum • How to send commands to the Madrix Plexus
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How to send commands to the Madrix Plexus

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:56 pm
by Jony

Could you please assist me on trying to remotely control the scenes already uploaded to a Madrix Plexus which control a set of RGB lights.

I would like to integrate the Madrix with a Lutron Homewoks QS system and for what I have read there are two options

1. Configure a DMX IN interface with a 4/channel remote control commands and use one of the Madrix ports to change the channel values

2. Configure a remote ArtNet interface using also a set of commands, 4 for example, and remotely use the defined commands to change the channels parameters [using port 6454 ?]

But i do not know the type of commands that Madrix is expecting !?

Thanks in advance.

Re: How to send commands to the Madrix Plexus

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:09 am
by Guertler
Hello Jony,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
You can control the stored scenes of the PLEXUS remotely in different ways:
1.) You can control the PLEXUS remotely via DMX input. Therefor you have to configure the PLEXUS. Please navigate to "Remote Control > Remote Options" at the PLEXUS. In the Remote Options please choose DMX at the "Receive via" line. Under "On universe" you can choose DMX port 1 or DMX port 2. If you want to use DMX input for remote control a DMX connection from a desired console is necessary.
2.) You can also use a Art-Net remote control connection. If you want to use this you have to change the settings in the PLEXUS "Remote Options". Please change the "Receive via" to Art-Net and then select a desired universe at the "On universe" line.
When the Art-Net remote option is selected you will need a Art-Net sender which sends the data to the PLEXUS.
3.) You can use the PLEXUS iPad or iPhone App. This App is available for free on the AppStore. Please note: If you want to control the PLEXUS via iPad or iPhone please make sure that the PLEXUS and your mobile device is connected to the same WiFi network.
4.) The PLEXUS provides furthermore the possibility to control it remotely by using the "Extension Port".
In this link you will find more information about the "Extension Port": ... _port.html
In the following link you will find an overview about the different possibilities to control the PLEXUS remotely: ... ntrol.html
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again!
Thank you.