MADRIX Forum • Adding Pixels to Matrix
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Adding Pixels to Matrix

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:35 pm
by ProLumin1
I am trying to add a one channel pixel at the end of universe 1 at channel 512 so that I can trigger the recording of a show. I placed the pixel using the patch page and the pixel is not showing on any of the preview pages. I tried to get the pixel to light up using a sublayer of another layer and mapped it correctly. I'm lost and being new to show lighting I'm looking for some help on this matter. Any ideas, different routes I should take, suggestions, etc would be great.


Re: Adding Pixels to Matrix

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:21 am
by Wissmann
Hi ProLumin1,

what kind of MADRIX Key you are using?
And what exactly you have in mind?
If you like to remote control MADRIX by DMX it is normaly not necessary to patch a 1 channel light.
Read here for more informations about remote control by DMX. ... l_dmx.html

Re: Adding Pixels to Matrix

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:21 pm
by ProLumin1
I am running Madrix Basic key. I am trying to trigger a recording in my artnet device, and need to be able to map and control a 1 channel pixel. When I am able to do this my artnet device then starts to record the show across all of the universe that I have triggered, when the pixel is lit.
I am not trying to remote control Madrix, but remote control me artnet recording device.
So for example, If I map this pixel where it needs to be, and instead of creating a layer on top of the layer I am recording, and simply highlight the pixel in the map page, then my artnet device starts recording even though there is no DMX data exporting while the single pixel is highlighted.
So long story short, I need to be able to map this 1 channel pixel at channel 512 Universe 1, and add a layer to the layer I am trying to record and have this pixel light up when the layer starts in the cue window.
I hope I am making sense.

Re: Adding Pixels to Matrix

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:03 pm
by Wissmann
OK get it,
so if you like to start manual you can use the DMX Fader Tool as well, there you can set up directly the channel and universe you like.
But i guess you like to control it by the cue list therefor a mapped layer and so on.
Several ideas i have what maybe goes wrong.
You said you use the patch editor, so i guess you make sure your 1 channel light did not overlap with a other fixture regarding the position not the channel number i mean.
Next, just to be sure. If the rest of your patch is using more then one channel you will see your one channel light lighting up only if the color red is turned on.
And, how many channels you patched in total?
Or maybe you already use the DMX Fader Tool and you forgot to turn it off?
The DMX Fader Tool overwrite the data from the effects.

Re: Adding Pixels to Matrix

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:05 pm
by ProLumin1
Got it to work with the fader tool, on all the channels I needed. Thanks for all your help.
I have one more question regarding this project. Is it possible to control a generic 3 channel LED wall washer with madrix, and would i go about mapping it the same way I would a standard 3 channel pixel.


Re: Adding Pixels to Matrix

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:15 am
by Wissmann
Yes every fixture which offers dmx for rub, rugby or just white can be controlled by MADRIX regarding pixel/voxel mapping.