MADRIX Forum • DVI led screen fixing
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DVI led screen fixing

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:21 pm
by Solom
Hello :D

we are doing redesign of night club, from Belarus, and we are impressed by Madrix software. We wanna make celling and part of a wall with cells by led strip ( like in pic.: ). We think use IC ws2812b led strip and Show Jockey DVI master and slave controllers.
The question is about fixing, how do it most effective. We suppose to do it like this ( watch pic.: ). Can you criticize it, may be exist easiest fixing way, to add DVI Fixture in Madrix later?

Re: DVI led screen fixing

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:28 am
by Guertler
Hello Solom,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
In MADRIX you can easily add the DVI-Fixtures in the Patch. You can patch the Fixtures in MADRIX like in your posted drawing. Thereby it is equals if you create the patch before you install the fixtures in the club or after you have installed the fixtures.
In the following link you can learn how you can create a patch with DVI-Fixtures: ... pture.html
Some of the DVI controllers can not work with space between the DVI fixtures like in the posted drawing. Therefor MADRIX provides the possibility to use a so called "DVI Map". With the help of the "DVI Map" you can rearrange the fixture assignment for the desired controller.
In the following link you can learn how you can create such a "DVI Map": ... _mode.html
When you create the cells in the club, we recommend a cable length from the SPI controller to the first pixel or between two pixels of maximum 0.30 meters.

Re: DVI led screen fixing

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:07 pm
by Solom
Thank you Guertler,

it is very helpful,

best regards :D