MADRIX Forum • Mapping 3D Sphere
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Mapping 3D Sphere

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:09 pm
by ProLumin1
I am trying to map a 3D sphere and need a staring point. I was think of taking the z axis out and mapping it as a square but would like to be able to map that z axis. Is this possible. Any help would be great.


Re: Mapping 3D Sphere

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:00 pm
by Guertler
Hello ProLumin1,
When you want to map effects in 3D in MADRIX it is necessary to create a 3D patch.

In the following link you can learn how you can create a 3D patch in MADRIX: ... indow.html.
When you want to create a 3D sphere you have to add the pixels on the desired X, Y and Z position. After you have finished the patch you can map your desired effects on the different Z-Layers.