MADRIX Forum • very beginner
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very beginner

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:54 pm
by waleedallam
dear all

i want to learn this system from A to Z or from under beginning :D .. this is a very important task in my new job .... could you help me plz by videos or anything familiar ... help my now job is depending on this .. i am Egyptian by the way

Re: very beginner

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:37 pm
by Guertler
Hello waleedallam,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
When you want learn how you can work with MADRIX I would recommend to have a look to the MADRIX tutorials:
With the help of the tutorials you will get step by step instructions of alot of important and useful themes.
Also please have a look to the MADRIX manual:
In the manual you will get a detailed explanation of all the MADRIX functions.