MADRIX Forum • how to Midi timecode sync SCE Video
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how to Midi timecode sync SCE Video

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:01 pm
by Afterlight

We're having a little trouble with our current setup.

We're using the SCE video tool, Everything is working perfectly, except for one thing:

Madrix is receiving a MTC from another computer (which plays the audio and video projection) through a Midi interface. I can see in the quelist that Madrix is receiving the timecode. I tried to make some ques, without any luck

How can I sync the SCE video with the received MTC? at the moment it's completely ignoring the timecode.

Thanks for the help!

Re: how to Midi timecode sync SCE Video

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:44 pm
by Guertler
Hello Afterlight,

You are right MADRIX can receive MIDI Timecode in the Cue List. With the received Timecode you can trigger the cues of the Cue List in MADRIX.
In the following links you can learn how you can work with the Timecode in the MADRIX Cue List: ... nd_du.html ... list_.html
When you want to start a video via Timecode you have to add the storage place which contains the SCE Video effect to the Cue List. Now you have to set the start Time Code to this Cue. Now when MADRIX receives this Time Code it will activate the storage with the SCE Video effect. If Autostart is activated in the SCE Video effect your desired video will start.