MADRIX Forum • Wrong framerate sent
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Wrong framerate sent

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:37 am
by S-TEC
I am currently developing a DMX based "LED-Pixel" which I want to control with the Madrix Neo.
When I set the framerate in the device manager of the Madrix Software to 1 FPS, the DMX-Signal is sent at a rate of 5 FPS (measured with an oscilloscope).
Is there anything I set wrong in the Madrix software? (Also other framerates are sent faster). How can I set the Neo that it sends the data at a Framerate of 1 FPS?

Edit: In the DMX Watcher the Framerate seems to be correct (updated once a second)

Edit 2: I just measured that sometimes two frames are sent without a delay between the two frames, eventhough I have set a framerate of 1 FPS.

Re: Wrong framerate sent

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:03 am
by Guertler
Hello S-TEC,
Welcome to the MADRIX Forum.
When you are using a MADRIX NEO it will send with a minimum frame rate of 5 FPS. If you have set the frame rate in the MADRIX "Device Manager" to 1 FPS the NEO will loop the frame.
So it is not possilbe to send with a NEO less than 5 FPS.
We have decide to set a minimum refresh rate of 5 frames per second in the MADRIX hardware because there are not many fixtures on the market which can handle a frame rate under 5 FPS. When you will send with a frame rate less than 5 FPS the most fixtures will flicker.