MADRIX Forum • winches and max values
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winches and max values

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:04 pm
by pieter_LMS
I'm trying to control a couple of winches with Madrix.

Due to obstacles, I like to give a maximum value at some winches.
When I use a separate fixture to control those winches (with a max value), the winches receive a relative value. But not cut off at the max values..

When I use a effect on all the fixtures, I like the restricted winches to stop at an certain max value and remain at that postiion.
Now they receive a value calculated between the min and max value.. So it's relative and recalculated, between the min and max value.

How to deal with that?

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:13 pm
by Fritzsche
Hi Pieter,
Thank you for getting in touch.
Do you have a user manual you could point us to? Is there a description provided how or why the winches behave like this?
Thank you very much!

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:50 pm
by pieter_LMS
unfortunately, I don't have a manual, only a fixture/channel sheet.
But the problem is a DMX behavior, I guess? Recalculate the 255 steps between min and max value?!

My solution now: create a separate fixture group with the restricted movement winches.
Set the output slider (in group control window) to a certain value. That way I create a cut off max value.

But it would be nice to set it in the fixture library for safety reasons.

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:58 pm
by pieter_LMS
The solution with the fixture group is also relative, compared to output...

So I'm open to new suggestions.

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:13 pm
by pieter_LMS
Is it possible to create a script for the output, where you compare the R value (position) and if fixture is member of a fixture group:

if (r value > max value && fixture == fixture group){
r value = max value;

I'm not new to scripting, but never made a madrix script.

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:39 pm
by Fritzsche
Hi Pieter,
The way I read it is that this is not a DMX issue. To me this sounds as if it is an issue with the winches.
In the MADRIX Fixture Editor, you can set a maximum DMX value for the fixture channel and MADRIX will only output up to that maximum. But I understood that you already tested this?
Right now, I don't think a script would help because no matter what MADRIX outputs, the winches behave differently.
You can use the DMX Watcher (menu Tools > DMX Watcher) to monitor which values MADRIX sends out.
Thank you.

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:51 pm
by pieter_LMS
Unfortunately, it's not behaving like you tell me.

I made a copy of the 1 channel light fixture, with a max value of 140.
Placed them both in my patch.

When I start moving the master fader from black to white, both the DMX values get different values. So it's recalculated to the min/max value divided by the 255 steps.

Please try for yourself.

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:09 pm
by Fritzsche
Hi Pieter,
Yes, you are right. My test weren't sufficient enough.
As you have suggested, we might solve this with the help of a macro. Our main technical support should be back next week and will try to assist you with that.
For an easier communication, please feel free to get in touch via e-mail at info[at]
Thank you very much!

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:28 am
by pieter_LMS

We have the project running and it looks great.

But maybe you can see why I like the cut off value instead: ... 9289064583

Re: winches and max values

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:29 am
by Fritzsche
Hi Pieter,
We are just back from ISE. We saw that installation and wondered if it is MADRIX. Now, we know! That's really great.
We immediately saw the challenges of this booth and I know exactly what you mean.
So, how did you do it in the end?
Thank you very much!