MADRIX Forum • Pause Cue-List mid progress
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Pause Cue-List mid progress

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:42 pm
by Basvantuijl

I was wondering if you can pause a cue-list half-way through a cue (i.e. pause it half way through its progress bar) rather than having it jump back to the start of that cue?

I'm currently working on a project which has separate audio, lighting and video content. All 3 medias are exactly 45 minutes long. everything starts at the exact same time and on our control system, there is a 'Pause' button which users can hit in case of an emergency.

The music and video can stop and start and still be in sync but if the lighting cue is stopped, it will start from the beginning on that particular cue and be out of sync by the time the video and audio content is finished.

Due to the nature of the installation, I cannot use MIDI time code to synchronize everything.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed?


Re: Pause Cue-List mid progress

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:07 pm
by Guertler
Hello Basvantuijl,
Sorry the requested feature will not be available in MADRIX 3.
But in MADRIX 5 (which will be available during the year) you will find exact this behavior of the cue list. So the cue list will continue the playback of the current cue after a pause when you send a play command until it reached the set duration.