MADRIX Forum • New to Madrix.
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New to Madrix.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:13 pm
by scorpiodj
Hello to all, I live in the US and recently became a Madrix operator / installer.
I look forward to learning from and sharing with all.

I will be setting up a show this weekend for Sasha & Digweed, and want to know if I can run Madrix through Video Projectors or flatscreens too.

I would appreciate any tips you may have.
Thanks ScorpioDj
P.S. I just got Madrix 2 weeks ago, so I am very new :)

Re: New to Madrix.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:01 pm
by Hertel
Hi scorpiodj,

First, welcome at the Forum and a warm welcome to the MADRIX lighting control! If you want to run MADRIX through Video Projectors or flatscreens you need at least a MADRIX dvi or a MADRIX professional license. AND MADRIX DVI is NOT designed and developed for a HD / high resolution output.
We strongly recommend using MADRIX up to a resolution of max. 640x480 pixel. All effects are rendered in real time. It's an effect generator. That's different to all the competitors solutions. This solutions play videos and mix videos.
Unfortunately this process cost a lot of CPU / graphics card usage but we working permanently on all kind of performance optimizations. With the newest release 2.6b you get DirectX previews and DirectX DVI output screens for more computing power.
If you want to use Video Projectors or flatscreens set up the maximum resolution 640 x 480 pixel in MADRIX and check also your video content. Some video codec's costs more CPU usage some codec's less.
I cross my fingers for your show with Sasha & Digweed and i would appreciate if you can send us some pictures or videos of this show! Thank you, take care and have a great day!
Christia Hertel

Thanks for the quick response.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:06 pm
by scorpiodj
I have decided not to run Madrix through the Flat screens and Projectors this weekend. However we are going to set up a dozen Pixel Range 1044 Batons instead.

In the coming weeks I will experiment with the screens and projectors. I will do my best to get some pictures, and videos to send you.

Thanks for your time.

Madrix was GREAT!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:16 am
by scorpiodj
We set up Madrix with 12 pixel range 1044 batons, and it looked AWESOME! We recieved nothing but compliments all night. I wasn't able to get any video, but I found these two clips on you tube this week.


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:13 pm
by Wissmann
Thank you very much for this feedback and the links.
We always appreciate to see whats done with MADRIX outside our office here in Dresden, Germany.

Re: New to Madrix.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:57 pm
by Dirkens
Tach Leute,
hab auch mal meine Cam angeworfen und siehe da: Madrix is einfach nur der Hammer.
27 Led Sticks a 3 Segmente als 9x9 Matrix.

Gruß Dirk

Re: New to Madrix.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:13 am
by Otto Events
Hey Dirkens,

Sieht fett aus, was für LED Sticks hast´n du benutzt?

LG, Sascha

Re: New to Madrix.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:36 am
by Dirkens
Hallo Otto Events,
verwendet wurden diese Sticks: ... ts_id/5652
Gibts aber inzwischen auch von anderen Herstellern.
Gruß Dirk