MADRIX Forum • 64 DMX universes
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64 DMX universes

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:59 pm
by 99benns

I've been asked to qupte for a big project with a matrix with 64 DMX universes. The Madrix software seems great, but which do you think is the best way to achieve this, DMX, art-net? Could you suggest a suitable hardware device?



Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:16 pm
by Wissmann
if it is not ColorKinetics, Robe StageQube or Insta 2022 fixtures we recommend the use of ArtNet for this amount of 64 Universes.
Regarding ArtNet interfaces/devices we made good experiences with Luminex and ENTTEC.

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:57 pm
by 99benns

Thanks for your response! As far as I'm aware ArtNet is limited to 30-40 universes down one line. I've read about the Enttec Datagate in your documentation, do you know if any users have achieved over 60 universes using the datagate?

Thanks Again


Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:44 pm
by Wissmann
the total amount of universes which can be used depends onto the ArtNet protocol (ArtNet or ArtNet II) the network bandwidth (10Mbit or 100 Mbit) and the quality of the network components like switches.
For the project of the Baiyoke Tower II in Bangkok are 10 Datagates with a total amount of 80 universes (ArtNet II) in use. Very succesfully i mean ;-)

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:19 pm
by Geert
The Luminex nodes are not that great. I have seen what's in them... What i would recommend is artnet nodes and switches from ELC Lighting. I know they have succesfully used their nodes to transmit 115 universes at full speed over one cable. And their nodes are, in my opinion better built, and cheaper too.

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:58 pm
by Luminex
Dear Geert, first of all thanks for your nice comments about our product :wink: . It seems if you've opened the box, you've thus been able to see that the Ethernet-DMX8 offers more processing power that the other product you're mentioning. The industrial grade motherboard fitted inside the Luminex Ethernet-DMX8 proved its reliability and efficiency all over the world through hundred of references in tours, events and installations. We have many examples where the Ethernet-DMX8 coped perfectly with very large amount of universes in full broadcast mode.
We also would like to inform you that we're closed to launch the Ethernet-DMX8 MkII. This new unit offers all the same great features than the Ethernet-DMX8 (Multi language Web interface (Dutch available), DMX routing, softpatch, trigger channel (remote control of the merging policy). The unit comes also with full isolation (optic and galvanic), punched holes at the rear of the unit for different port configuration. Two Ethernet ports are also available for an easier network connection. And last but not the least, a better pricing.
In any case, it's not our intention to say what product is best or not. We only try offer the best solution to our customers, and regarding what our users say, it seems we're on the right way.
However, and if you have experienced any issue with a Luminex converter, we would like you to explain us what happened. We would be more than happy to offer you the right answer.
To finish, we would like thus to guarantee that the setup 99benns would like to achieve is no problem at all with a Luminex switch and converter solution.

Best regards
Fabrice Gosnet
Luminex Product & Project Manager

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:13 pm
by Luminex
And by the way, thanks to our Madrix friends to recommend our products :wink: !!

Fabrice Gosnet
Product & Project Manager

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:14 pm
by Geert
Dear Fabrice,

First of all: Luminex stuff does what it's supposed to do, so no complaints there.

Second: ELC stuff does what it's supposed to do, so no complaints there.

But one thing: an ELC node is much cheaper then a Luminex...

I'm glad to hear that you will introduce a new, cheaper version of your node. Let me guess. You will get rid of the double-stacked mainboard with al kinds of stuff you don't use? Maybe go to an optimized, small board, like ELC have been using for years now?

I'm not saying Luminex equipment is bad. I just think there's other equipment that can do the job just as well, maybe better, for less money.

BTW: This will be my last reaction to this subject (Luminex vs ELC i mean.)
I just wanted the topicstarter to know that 115 universes is no problem.

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:36 pm
by Otto Events
What is with the Showtech Node 8?
Any experiences? Its about 300 bucks...

Re: 64 DMX universes

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:37 am
by Wissmann
Until now we have no experience with the Showtech Node 8 but it seams to be the same as like as the X-Net 8 from Acclaim.
If it is the same we made some tests with it and know it is used allready in some projects because of the very low price.
But the quality is not the same as like as Luminex for example, because of a missing block or video mode. So let me say in conclusion if the money is more important as like as the quality you can use it, but in the moment where you have in mind to use scrolling text for example or Color Scrolls with hard edges in a vertical manner i recommend to use a ArtNet node with block mode.
Block Mode means each dmx frame (all 512 channels) are complete avialable at the node before the node sends the data. Without Block Mode the Interface sends the data before the complete frame is available and you get half frame failures.