MADRIX Forum • Specific sequence of dmx commands to fixture
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Specific sequence of dmx commands to fixture

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:14 pm
by gherd
I have a dmx laser and wish to use Madrix to control movement. There are 3 patterns I want to rotate between in order. The dmx commands are 114, 185 and 210. Basically I want them to play in order based on the beat and continue to repeat.



Re: Specific sequence of dmx commands to fixture

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:19 am
by Wissmann
Hi gherd,
ok this request is out of the target which MADRIX actual provide.
We are working on the solution to send specific DMX values by macro for example, so with this you would have a possibility to what you have in mind.
for now you have to use a work arround.
So what i can imagine is the following:
1. Create a own fixture with just one color channel.
2. Patch this one fixture into your matrix
3. use the SCE Color Effect
4. Write a macro which reacts onto the sound level for example and set the color red (the only one color of your special fixture) to the values 114, 185 or 210 depending onto the sound level.
Because MADRIX analyses the music 30 til 50 times the second you get a high resolution of sound level informations near to the music.
If this workarounf isn´t useful for you, i am affraid you have to wait until we are finish the possibility to send dmx by macro.