MADRIX Forum • Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ
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Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:52 am
by jspivey
I would like to use about 20 - 30 of the Chauvet 3.0 eq tubes as a matrix. Since the tube itself does not have a standard dmx in, do I also need to have the colortube controller as a intermediate between Madrix and the fixtures?

So I would have Madrix with a neo out to the controller, then the controller to the fixtures?

Sorry for the possible dumb question, but this is all very new to me.

Thank you! Awesome software.

Re: Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:40 pm
by Wissmann
Hi jspivey,
i take a look onto the description from the fixture you mention above at the chauvet website.
Unfortunately i have to say there is no way using this fixture with MADRIX make sense.
As you allready sayed the fixture himself do not speak dmx. The conroller speak dmx but just for recall some predefined effects from the controller for the attached fixtures with a range of 6 dmx channels.
Because you wrote this is all new for you some more detailed explanations.
MADRIX is designed to control each individual pixel on a LED matrix.
So typically each pixel consist of three colors (red, green and blue = RGB).
To be able to control each color component of a pixel with dmx, each color component need his own dmx channel.
This mean for a RGB pixel we need at least 3 dmx channel.
If you have a tube with maybe 10 pixel one over each other this means you need at least 3*10 = 30 dmx channel.
So with just 10 tubes of this you need at least 300 dmx channel.
(Which would be possible with one MADRIX NEO interface)
I think you can see with just 6 dmx channels of the controller it is not used to control the tubes themself it is only for controling the controller.

Re: Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:26 pm
by jspivey
Thank you! Makes total sense.

What about the Articulight DMX Tube and the Chroma tubes?

Would that work? And if so, could I control 20 of them with one Neo?

Thank you so much for your time!!

Re: Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:43 pm
by Wissmann
DMX Tube Yes!
Chroma Tube No!
But please, before you ask us about each fixture, check out for your self if the fixture is dmx control able or not, in case it is dmx control able MADRIX can use it.
One possibility is two download the software from our website and test it.
Because MADRIX have a lot of fixtures allready in his library.
Just in case the fixture you want to use isn´t allready there you can create it for yourself with the MADRIX Fixture Editor which comes with the MADRIX software installation.
In this case this would be very easy because on the page (your link) is a dmx chart which also unswer the most of your questions.
So you can read in the description that the DMX Tubes can be used with 1,2,4,8 ro 16 pixel per Tube where each pixel cover 3 dmx channels (RGB).
This means on Tube needs in total 3,6,12,24 or 48 dmx channels.
The MADRIX NEO provide one DMX512 universe (512 dmx channel).
So you can either control up to 21 Tubes with 8 pixel or up to 10 Tubes with 16 pixel with one MADRIX NEO.
In case of 20 Tubes with 16 pixel you need two MADRIX NEO.

Re: Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:55 pm
by jspivey
I appreciate your time. And I'm sorry for the questions. I did download the software before I even posted on the forum. The Chauvet tube appeared to be in the fixtures list, but I began questioning things when I realized the tube didn't have a direct dmx in.

And I did read through the Acclaim website's stuff. But upon calling them, they said they have a controller as well. Obviously I can't order the hardware I need with the hopes of it working and have it not work. There is very little information about all of this stuff online, so I figured I go straight to the source.

I was kind of fishing for someone to tell me if they have used a solution like this and what tubes they used. I know that the Versa tubes are very popular, but they appear to require a lot of hardware in between the controller and the tubes. And they are pretty expensive.

Your software is awesome, and we really want to use it, but we are not lighting people. We are designers. We are using this solution for a video shoot, not for a stage show. So our needs are a little different than most peoples.

Thanks so much for your time. We really appreciate it.

Re: Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:21 am
by Wissmann
Ok, i understand,
so no worry,
you are welcome.
Please do not hesitate to post your questions here.
best greatings

Re: Chauvet Colortube 3.0 EQ

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:56 am
by Otto Events
Hey jspivey,

I use the Eurolite Pixeltube with as well 16 Pixels. It has direct DMX and Power on board so no seperate controler is needed.
I have 24 Tubes in clusters of 6 and using the Showtech Node 8 Artnet to DMX Controller with 8 DMX Universes out.
I don´t know where you are located but feel free to come around and check it out in real, that maybe can help to understand the DMX - Artnet and System setup.
My Company is located in Berlin / Schöneberg.

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