MADRIX Forum • Path Name Changing
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Path Name Changing

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:35 pm
by milfriez
I utilize multiple computers when using Madrix. I have a main test machine for designing, a laptop for live performances and also another backup laptop. I typically save all my work onto a flash drive. The problem occurs when I go to use my main machine, it already is using the drive letter of the flash drive. (F:) -- So it displays an error message of file not found F:\videoname.mpg -- Likewise, I wish to copy all my content from my thumbdrive to the disk drive for an additional data backup, but if I go to play if off the harddrive it gives the same error message. Is there an easy way to change the drive path associated with the video and effects so that I can point it where the data is located, instead of having to go through each video/effect one by one and pointing it to the correct directory?


Re: Path Name Changing

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:11 pm
by Gordon Lights
Have you tried configuring your computers so that all of them see that flash drive as the same drive letter, say "M:"? This way you wouldn't have to change anything when moving between computers.

Re: Path Name Changing

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:00 pm
by milfriez
I realize that by using disk manager you able to make those changes, but in the instance i want to play the videos/effects off the hard drive there is not a way to change the drive letter of your main file partition (c:\). Also I believe that while you can change the drive letter of the flash drive to something that would not be already utilized, you are going to have to set this everytime you plug the flash drive into a different computer. (Otherwise the computer just assigns the next available drive letter). And what if i have effects stored in one location and videos on another drive. I would still need to go back and point each one individually.

Re: Path Name Changing

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:22 am
by Gordon Lights
I use the SUBST command to create a consistent virtual drive letter from actual folder structures on different drives. For example, let's say you wanted to use "W:\" as your standard starting point regardless of which hard drive or flash drive you want to use.

You could create a "\MadrixFiles" folder on your C: drive as well as each of your flash or other removable drives. As long as your folder structure is consistent below the "\MadrixFiles" folder this will work. You can create a batch file called "WorkDrive.bat" and paste the following into it:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@Echo Off
Subst W: /d
Subst W: %~dp0MadrixFiles

Goto End

Echo PROBLEM - Cannot locate Drive W:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You can copy that batch file into the root of every drive you'll use with Madrix. When you want to switch to that drive, simply run the batch file FROM THE DRIVE you want to use, and the "\MadrixFiles" folder of that drive wil become "W:\".

You could also use a similar technique for your videos regardless of which flash drive you're using. If you want to switch the current location of the video files, you can do something simimlar with another drive letter, say "V:". Going a step further, you can make the first batch file ask you if you want to use the C: videos folder or the removable drive videos folder, and map V:\ to the correct one based on the answer.
