MADRIX Forum • Videos & NEO
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Videos & NEO

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:08 pm
by cbsbd3
This is probably a question that could be answered with "Well it could be anything" but here goes. I use Jukebox Jockey which can play music videos as well as MP3s. When I run Jukebox Jockey alone it can play the videos all day long with no issues. However when I have Madrix running and driving two NEOs on the same computer the videos momentarily at first freeze up then freeze altogether, however the music from the videos never miss a beat. The output from my NEOs (about 60 pixels in 2 different universes) works fine during this time. I assume this is a PC resource issue, but I believe my system is adequate enough that it should handle these two tasks together with no issues.

The PC:
HP Model P6-2176s
Intel Pentium CPU G640 @ 2.80GHz
4GB Ram
64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium
AMD Radeon HD 6450 Video Card (running two screens in extended mode)

Any ideas given the above information? Any other additional information that would be helpful for troubleshooting?


Re: Videos & NEO

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:46 pm
by Wissmann
It is for sure a stupid question but i ask it anyway.
You did not try to run the same video file with Jukebox and MADRIX at the same time?

Re: Videos & NEO

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:56 pm
by cbsbd3
Not a stupid question, stupid of me to not include the details! The NEOs are running M2L and S2L effects driven by the sound on the same video. Most of the time the Jukebox Jockey is playing MP3s and the NEOs M2L and S2L effects play off of that perfectly, it's only when I play videos that I see the issue. I do think that back when I had one NEO running it wasn't as big of a problem, it would very occasionally hang the videos.

Re: Videos & NEO

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:43 pm
by Wissmann
Never heard about such an issue and unfortunately i have not really an idea.
Did you know what kind of codec your video files uses.
Have you take a look onto the windows task watcher? What about the cpu power if MADRIX and jukebox are running?
What kind of video file format? Quicktime or something different?

Re: Videos & NEO

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:53 pm
by cbsbd3
Most of the videos are .mp4
The Microsoft Directshow video library is what JJ uses to play the video.
As far as CPU power:
The PC:
HP Model P6-2176s
Intel Pentium CPU G640 @ 2.80GHz
4GB Ram
64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium
AMD Radeon HD 6450 Video Card (running two screens in extended mode)

I'm going to do a clean install of the codecs I should need to run the videos correctly, but the fact that they play fine without Madrix running leads me to it being a resource issue and not so much a codec issue, unless Madrix uses video codecs even if I'm only driving a few pixels with M2L and S2L.

I will also monitor the system performance when this issue is happening.

Thanks, any other feedback is appreciated!

Re: Videos & NEO

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:05 pm
by Wissmann
I do not think it is possible MADRIX effects jj video playback by the codecs.
My idea was more in the direction the two applications share some resources (at least the cpu=. But if MADRIX use no SCE Video effect i can´t see how this would happen?!? Except the quicktime format which is initialized during the start of MADRIX.
However, maybe this is a try, disable the initialization of quicktime in the MADRIX start options.

Re: Videos & NEO

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:10 pm
by cbsbd3
I will make sure to do that as well, thanks!
