MADRIX Forum • Artnet 2x + Botex XNet 8 units
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Artnet 2x + Botex XNet 8 units

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:04 pm
by alhuddart
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have 3 XNet 8 units. 2 are "Botex" made and one is "Showlite". The issue I'm having is when detecting the XNet units on the network, an extra Artnet device (XNet) is being discovered. Also I have set the PC up to have the IP address that the Botex manual says to, which is different to the Madrix manual. Does this matter?

I am getting a section of my screen blank, not specific to one driver, if I adjust the IP addresses of the XNet 8 units the blank patch of screen moves over. The patch is correct, the fixture profile is correct and all cabling has been tested and is correct. I think the issue is being caused by the extra XNet device that the software is picking seems to be shifting the outputs so that one of the real units is not getting the correct data.

Has anyone had a similar experience or can point me in the right direction to resolving this as I have limited literature for the Botex units and none for the Showlite, making troubleshooting hard. Botex are no longer trading and PDF manuals are like hens teeth....

Many thanks in advance for any assistance. Please feel free to email me direct if you'd prefer.

Re: Artnet 2x + Botex XNet 8 units

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:37 pm
by Wissmann
3 times XNET 8 makes 24 Universes, how much dmx channels you have patched, did you cover all channels, if yes, are you using a MADRIX pro Key?

Re: Artnet 2x + Botex XNet 8 units

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:10 am
by Fritzsche
Hi alhuddart,

You might want to have a look at these instructions: ... tname.html

They were written for MADRIX 2, but even if you are using MADRIX 3 it shouldn't make too much of a difference since the general direction is there.