MADRIX Forum • Madrix with Automation Controller
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Madrix with Automation Controller

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:31 pm
by Basvantuijl
Hi There,

New to Madrix and trying to get my head around it all!

We are trying to integrate a Madrix system into an automated fitness studio. The automation controller can control other devices via tcp/udp/rs232,etc.

I'm trying to figure out if we are able to send commands to the madrix PC via UDP. the automation controller is Java based and I'm trying to work out how to send HTTP requests rather than the normal ASCII commands it usually sends.

Has anyone had any experience with this or does anyone have a list of the HTTP commands for Madrix? Ideally I want the ability to recall particular pre-programmed sequences, switch sound to light on/off and adjust the speed.

Thanks in advance

Re: Madrix with Automation Controller

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:53 am
by Guertler
Hello Basvantuijl,
Welcome to the forum.
You can control MADRIX remotely via HTTP requests. Therefor you have to enable the "HTTP Remote Control" in MADRIX. To enable this option please go in MADRIX to "Preferences > Remote Control > HTTP..." . The "Remote Control HTTP" window opens. Please click "Enable". With a click on "Call" your desired web browser should open and you can see the MADRIX Remote Http site.
If you click on "MADRIX Remote Members" you will find a list with all available remote HTTP commands.
In the address line of the web browser you will find the IP address of the MADRIX computer. With this IP Address you are able to control MADRIX remotely from several devices which are operate in the same network.
Now you should be able to develop or customize your own software. This application can send the available MADRIX HTTP commands to the IP address of the MADRIX computer and MADRIX will react on this command.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again!
Thank you.

Re: Madrix with Automation Controller

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:01 am
by Basvantuijl
Thanks for this. Managed to get it working so can now create custom GUI within our automated system.

I have one more question though. Is it possible to create several cue lists, then recall them individually?

My aim is as follows:

I have a fitness studio, and the lights require 5 different intensity levels (depending on how hard a certain part of the class is). The instructor can select an intensity level (red,green,blue,yellow and white) during the class, which will encourage improve the user's experience.

I currently have had success making a few very nice sound to light shows in the different colours (and assigned them to storage places for recall) but ideally i'd like to give them some variations, i.e. EQ Spectrum for 20 seconds, followed by colour chase for 10, Etc.

I've managed to do this through a cue, but I need to be able to create 5 cue lists (one for each colour) and be able to recall them through the HTTP triggering.

Do you know if this is possible?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Madrix with Automation Controller

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:53 pm
by Guertler
Hello Basvantuijl,
With MADRIX it is not possible to create more then one Cue Lists.
But what you can do is to create one big cue list with several entry points and after each section you set the follow cue (in the Cue List the column is called "F. Cue") to the Cue of the beginning of this section. Now you can use the HTTP command SetCuelistGoTo and jump to the several entry points.
For instance the Cue List entries 1 - 5 are for the "Red level"and the entries 6 - 10 are for the "Yellow level". Now you can set the F. Cue of the Cue List entry 5 to 1 and the F.Cue of the Cue List entry 10 to 6. You also have to set a desired duration for each Cue.
If you want to play the "Red level" you can start it with the HTTP Command SetCuelistGoTo=1 and if you want to switch to the "Yellow level" you can use the command SetCuelistGoTo=6.
You can see the cue after Cue List entry 5 is cue 1. The Cue List will repeat this loop till you will stop the Cue List or you will set the CuelistGoTo=6 command.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again!
Thank you.