Scheduling using any year?

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Scheduling using any year?

Post by mariajenkins »

Hi All,
Hoping someone can help....
I'm putting together a cue list for a permanent installation. I want my cues to run on specific days of the year, let's say 14th February for example.
When I use the 02-14 entry in the date section, Madrix automatically enters the year 2016 - but I want the cue to run on every 14th Feb, not just the 2016 one.
I've tried changing the date on my PC to see if this changes the entry in the Cue List, but it doesn't.
There must be a way to do this - right?!
Thaks in advance,
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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by Fritzsche »

Unfortunately for your case, MADRIX does not provide a way to set the year on the user interface. (Our stand-alone hardware interface, MADRIX PLEXUS, would be able to do it.)
However, if this is a definite requirement, please contact our support team at info[at] as we may be able to offer the service of writing a script that you could run.
Thank you very much!
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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by mariajenkins »

Thanks for the reply.
So is it the case that there are no 'wildcard' characters when using time and date, and only specific dates can be used?

If so, I'm not sure how you manage to use Madrix in a permanent installation on a long term basis? Surely I can't be the only one to ask this?!

Thanks again,

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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by Wissmann »

Hi mariajenkins,

yes currently there are no wildcards.
Please use the following lines in the main out macro.

Code: Select all

void PreRenderEffect()
	int CueNumber = 2;
	date d = GetDate();
	if( == 14 && d.month == 2)
		if(CuelistCurrentCue() != CueNumber)
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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by mariajenkins »

Thanks again for the reply.
I'm quite new to Madrix - it looks like this script only works for Cue number 2? Is that correct?
My Cuelist is very long (I have many scheduled events over the year) so do I need to enter this script uniquely for each cue number I wish to be repeated?

Thanks again for your help,

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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by Wissmann »

this macro call a cue off your choice to a date of your choice (ignoring the year).
If the cue you call have a duration (inside the cue list) the next cue will be called by the cuelist automaticaly after the duration time.
Please descrive a bit more detailed what you have in mind, so we can help you more specific.
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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by Wissmann »

Hi maria,
i developed a new macro for you which makes it maybe more easy for your

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void InitEffect()
	int cueday, cuemonth;	
	date d = GetDate();
	int thisyear = d.year;
	for(int cuenumber = 0; cuenumber < CuelistCount(); cuenumber++)
		if(CueGetDateWeekday(cuenumber) != 8)
			cueday = CueGetDateDay(cuenumber);
			cuemonth = CueGetDateMonth(cuenumber);
			CueSetDate(cuenumber, thisyear, cuemonth, cueday);
Put this lines into the InitEffect of your main out macro and compile it.
This macro will change the year of each cue to the current year except the cues which have daily set as date.
With this you can arrange your cuelist within the cuelist in the normal way. After you add entries to the cuelist just restart the main out macro to get the changes.
The macro will be startet each time MADRIX starts when it was running when you save the setup.
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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by mariajenkins »

Hi Wissman,

Thank you for posting the script. Unfortunately when I try to either compile or run it, Madrix freezes and I have to restart it.... Not sure if I am doing something wrong but I just pasted the text into the Macro editor?

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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by Wissmann »

The whole macro have to look like this

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void InitEffect()
   int cueday, cuemonth;   
   date d = GetDate();
   int thisyear = d.year;
   for(int cuenumber = 0; cuenumber < CuelistCount(); cuenumber++)
      if(CueGetDateWeekday(cuenumber) != 8)
         cueday = CueGetDateDay(cuenumber);
         cuemonth = CueGetDateMonth(cuenumber);
         CueSetDate(cuenumber, thisyear, cuemonth, cueday);

void PreRenderEffect()


void PostRenderEffect()


void MatrixSizeChanged()
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Re: Scheduling using any year?

Post by mariajenkins »

Hi Wissmann,

Apologies for the delayed reply, I have been working on other projects...

Yes, this is how my script looks, but when I try to run it Madrix hangs. I have a large number of cues in my Cue List (eventually there will be over 2000 as I have around 7-8 cues per day, every day) so maybe this is causing a problem.

Also, is it correct that this macro will only run and change the dates in the Cue List when Madrix is started? If so, then that will not work for me as the idea is that Madrix is left running all the time on its own.

If you could let me know that would be great,

Best Regards,
