No valid network address!!

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No valid network address!!

Post by miniell »

:evil: Hello everyone,

I'm trying to control my led strips trough Artnet without results.
I already tried to change TCP/IPv4 on my pc from to, then I tried with but..nothing!! ..Device Manager/DMX Devices doesn't recognize my devices.
What can I do?
Thank you in advance
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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: No valid network address!!

Post by Guertler »

Hello miniell,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.

At the moment I think the occured problem can have two causes:

Option 1:
The connected Art-Net nodes can not work with the PollReply messages of the ArtNet protocol. If this is the case you can add a node manually. Under the following link you can learn how you can add a noade manually in MADRIX: ... ction.html

Option 2:
The used firewall blocks the Reply message from the used Art-Net node. In that case please have a look to your firewall settings. For MADRIX it is important that it can send and receive messages to and from the connected devices. Under the following link you can learn more about the firewall settings of the "Windows Firewall": ... dows_.html