How best to layout this triangular truss?

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How best to layout this triangular truss?

Post by cinetron »

Hi I am wondering what would be the best way to tackle putting this triangular truss ... kRaX_t1Zm into Madrix to visualize it. Unfortunately I don't have a visualizer other than what is built into Madrix. The top of all this truss will be loaded with pixels , approx. 1500 in total. Are there any free visualizers that work with Madrix. Should I try to create diagonal fixtures in the fixture editor. Looking for the most straightforward route here. Thanks for any directions how best to go about this.
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Re: How best to layout this triangular truss?

Post by cinetron »

Still looking for any guidance on this. I am finding it very frustrating doing anything other than 45 degree angles in the fixture editor. Is there any way to automatically generate fixtures running on anything other than 90 45 or 180 degree angles? This is where I would love to be able to just script the position of the fixtures .
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Re: How best to layout this triangular truss?

Post by Guertler »

Hello cinetron,

The MADRIX preview is not create to use the preview as 100% visualizer. Sure if you will create a simple patch in a rectangle way you can use the preview like a visualizer. But for a complex patch like in your example the preview should be used as technical preview to see how the effect is looking and working. If you want to have a realistically representation of the project, you will need to use an additional visualizer tool.

At the moment there is no automatism in MADRIX to patch the fixtures in 45 degree angle. If you want to patch fixtures in 45 degree angle, the easiest way is to create a fixture with the help of the fixtrue editor.
Another option is to unfold the 45 degree angles of your patch to a line and patch the fixtrues as a line in MADRIX. With the help of this option you will get some new possibilities how the effects are looking in real. Now the MADRIX preview will be a technical preview to see how the effects are looking in MADRIX.
Gordon Lights
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Re: How best to layout this triangular truss?

Post by Gordon Lights »

When we come across structures such as these, we typically map the pixels individually. Since this is only 1500 pixels it shouldn't be very hard to do. I would be happy to help you out, if you want to email the dimensions of each section of your structure, and a photo or drawing of it from overhead so we get the angles right. Be sure to include the number of pixels on each section of it,