Looping Scenes without 'jump' at end

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Looping Scenes without 'jump' at end

Post by andrewpsyc »

Hi, when i create scenes in Madrix they loop fine, when i record to the AURA and set to endless loop you get that 'jump' at the end of a scene back to beginning. Is there any process i can apply either in Madrix or the Aura so i can get a perfect loop?
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Re: Looping Scenes without 'jump' at end

Post by Schulze »

Hi andrewpsyc,

There is a "loop finder" in the MADRIX 5 software, which works with .mrec records.

That means you will need to do a "MADRIX Record", find the loop and at the end you will need to convert this file into the AURAs file format (*.dxd) and upload it afterwards.

This works for example for the following effects:

- SCE Color Scroll
- SCE Wave / Radial
- SCE Graph

You will need to do the following steps:

1) In the MADRIX 5 software, please navigate to "Preferences" > "Options..." > "Recording" and change the "Target" to "MADRIX Record".
2) Start a new record by clicking at the record button in the "Layer Control" view. I recommend to record at least 1000 frames.
3) Navigate to "Tools" > "Record Editing" > "Record Editing" tab.
4) Select the recording from the list above and click at the "Find Loop" button. Wait for the process to finish.
5) In the same menu, now click on "Export".
6) In the last step convert this record into the "*.dxd" format in the "DXD Conversion" tab and upload the record to the AURA by using the MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER.

Here you will find a detailed explanation:
https://help.madrix.com/m5/html/madrix/ ... rd+editing
https://help.madrix.com/hardwaremanager ... orage.html

I hope this helps you.
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Re: Looping Scenes without 'jump' at end

Post by webcentrik »

I've got exactly the same problem and it gets worse over time. I have set the scene to crossfade which is fine for about the first 36 hours, then it starts to glitch. The scene is a clouds based scene so there is no way for it to find a key frame, I have even tried increasing the recorded scene length to no avail, it just takes a little longer to glitch.

This is also 3 separate systems that are network isolated (due to the company that they are installed in) and the only external interaction is through push buttons connected to an Orion.

Mine is running as follows,
8am set brightness to 100 and start scene 1, loop continually
On receiving trigger input from orion jump to scene 2 or 3 depending on the input, then go back to scene 1 looping.
8pm set brightness to 0 and start scene 4

It is a little more complicated but that is the general issue.

If the unit is rebooted every 24 hours then the glitch doesn't become visually apparent. I was coming on here today to ask if there is a way to reboot the aura automatically every day, but looking through the interface it doesn't look like there is.

This is definitely a software issue as it appears to be a memory leak as the reboot fixes it. Yes it happens with other scenes (colour scroll etc) not just the clouds, so it is not limited to that particular effect.
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Re: Looping Scenes without 'jump' at end

Post by Schulze »

Hi webcentrik,

Are you using the latest MADRIX AURA firmware? The latest firmware version is 1.16.7447.
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