Problems with Configuring Advanced MADRIX Patch for Large-Scale LED Installations

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Problems with Configuring Advanced MADRIX Patch for Large-Scale LED Installations

Post by Kelly_90 »

Hello Everyone,

I'm having some trouble with MADRIX's sophisticated patch configuration while I work on a large-scale LED installation job. More than 10,000 LEDs are organised in a unique pattern for the installation, and various MADRIX Luna interfaces are being used to control different areas of the display. I've installed the simple patch without any problems, but when I go into more intricate setups, I run into some difficulties.

Mapping and Alignment: I'm having trouble getting LEDs to map appropriately in the software, even though I've followed all the instructions. I'm not sure if the alignment is inaccurate because of patch settings or something else. Has anyone else run into similar problems? If so, what was the solution? Are there any special techniques or recommended methods for lining up LEDs in a non-standard layout?

Problems with Latency: There appears to be some delay in the software's response time when compared to the LED display. Although I've tried changing the network settings and refresh rates, the issue still exists. Is it possible to improve the system in order to lower latency, particularly with so many LEDs? Should I investigate other setup factors or may Luna interfaces be the bottleneck?

Setup for sophisticated Effects: I also want to make some sophisticated effects that react dynamically to inputs of live audio. Basic effects are working great, but I'm having trouble precisely timing more intricate effects to the pace of the song. Any suggestions on how to synchronise more precisely?

Any advice, ideas, or insights from others who have worked on projects comparable to mine would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Problems with Configuring Advanced MADRIX Patch for Large-Scale LED Installations

Post by Guertler »

Hello Kelly_90,
  1. Mapping and Alignment:
    MADRIX offers different possibilities to create a patch for complex projects. There are already a lot of complex patches created by MADRIX users. Nethertheless, in some situations, it is easier to simplify the arranment a little bit to get a better visuale effect.

    But now, back to create a complext patch.
    • One option could be to load a background image in the MADRIX Patch Editor and assign the desired fixtures accroding to the positon of the image. Uou will find a tutorial on how to work with background images in MADRIX 5 under the following link:
    • Another workflow would be to import a CSV file which includes the information which fixtures and where they should be located. Of course also the DMX-Address assignment can be imported. Working with CSV files is always very fast if the project was already visualized with the help of a CAD tool or 3D visualizer. Almost all of these tools can export CSV files with the necessary information. These files can be imported in the Patch Editor of MADRIX 5. You can learn more about how to work with CSV files under the following link:
  2. Problems with Latency:
    According to the explanation, I don't think the LUNA is the bottleneck for this performance issues. Please double-check the PC performance and the network traffic first. Of course, we will help you to figure out why there is latency. Therefor we are in need of the used MADRIX setup and a MADRIX logfile after the setup is loaded.
    To save the logfile please navigate in MADRIX to "Tools > Logfile", click the button "Save As..." and enter a name for the Logfile.
    To save the Setup go to "File > Save Setup as..." and enter a name.
    Please send these 2 files via e-mail to info[at]madrix[dot]com
  3. Setup for sophisticated Effects:
    MADRIX has a high-quality audio analysis function included, and you will be able to use a lot of Sound To Light and Music To Light effects in your setup.
    Maybe you can elaborate a little bit more on what you are expecting.
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