OSC woes

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OSC woes

Post by cmd »

I'm currently in the process of switching a rig of mine from ELM to Madrix.

I'm using OSC/PILOT on an iPad for control.

I'm using ShowCockpit as a middle-man to be able to trigger multiple OSC commands with a single fader/button.

Madrix and ShowCockpit are installed on a central server running Windows 11

Here's my issue:

ShowCockpit is receiving OSC from the iPad and attempting to pass it along to Madrix but it's not doing anything at all. The weird thing is, when I look at the log, it's receiving feedback OSC messages from Madrix but also not passing it along to the iPad.

Everything appears to be correct. The log even shows that it's sending the osc message /Output/Blackout to Madrix but... nothing.

I've been going back and forth between my ELM OSC flow and my Madrix OSC flow and I can't see any differences. It appears to be an issue with Madrix, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm going to also contact the ShowCockpit team.

I've tried both the loopback IP and the direct IP using the incoming Madrix port 9001 and the outgoing port 9002.

Here's the log event in ShowCockpit that shows me triggering the blackout button in madrix directly

Code: Select all

[VERB]  12:46:07.040 Madrix > Received an OSC packet
[VERB]  12:46:07.040 Madrix > Received packet with address /Output/Blackout with 1 value(s)
And here's the log event showing me pressing the button in OSC/PILOT on my laptop.

Code: Select all

[VERB]  12:46:12.555 SHOW/COCKPIT Laptop > Received an OSC packet
[VERB]  12:46:12.555 SHOW/COCKPIT Laptop > Received packet with address /op/buttons/blackout with 1 value(s)
[VERB]  12:46:12.555 SHOW/COCKPIT Laptop > Control "op rx blackout" event
[VERB]  12:46:12.555 SHOW/COCKPIT Laptop >    --> Trig element "Madrix"."sc tx blackout"()
[VERB]  12:46:12.555 Madrix > Executing function "sc tx blackout" with params 
[INFO]  12:46:12.556 Madrix > Sent button message to address "/Output/Blackout" = 1
[INFO]  12:46:12.556 SHOW/COCKPIT Laptop > Button "op rx blackout" pressed
You can see, it's passing the /Output/Blackout command with a value of "1" to Madrix. Returning 0 also does nothing.

I've also tried skipping ShowCockpit entirely. I have OSC/PILOT on my laptop pointing to the servers address with the ports 9001 and 9002 sending /Master/Blackout to 0 and it does absolutely nothing.

What am I missing here? I could buy the ShowCockpit MIDI module or the Madrix HTTP one, but OSC *should* work just fine.

Has anyone else run into issues getting Madrix to listen to OSC?
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Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Re: OSC woes

Post by Schulze »

Hi cmd,

Welcome to the MADRIX Forum.

I'm not quite sure how Showcockpit handles OSC. Do you use the correct data type?
For the address /Output/Blackout the datatype should be integer.
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