Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

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Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

Post by cadillackid »

I added a new block of 48 fixtures.. they are standard DMX 1 Generic 1 CHannel lights.. (they are Light-O-Rama channels).

when I started Creating effects i found the lights were doing wierd things both in the preview window and the actual Lights.. it turns out the lights only react to "red" colored effects... if I put Blue or green effects the lights (and the preview) go dark.. the Lights will show alternate shades of Red effects but nothing else.. these lights are not "RGB" Lights.. but I was thinking a Generic Light (which I verified in fixture editor is White) would react to any color... unless somehow the library is corrupted?

I do have RGB fixtures in my Patch and they work great and respond to the correct colors as normal...

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Re: Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi Christopher,

In general, 1-channel lights will only react to one color channel.

In a Patch that contains only 1-channel fixtures, the result will always be white. In MADRIX, the first color channel is used for this.

Now, you have a combination of RGB and 1-channel fixtures in your patch. Since MADRIX, uses the first color channel for the 1-channel fixtures, it will now be Red, instead of White.

As such, the behavior you describe is not unexpected and works as intended. Your patch has still a maximum of 3 color channels, Red, Green, and Blue. To use the 1-channel fixtures, MADRIX will use the first color channel for them.

White may be the sum of all colors in theory, but to mix colors in RGB all three color channels are needed. As such, only RGB fixtures will react to any color. 1-channel fixtures will only react to one channel.

Does this explain it?
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Re: Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

Post by cadillackid »

So by default if only 1 channel fixtures are in the they will respond blindly to any colored effect.. But once I split the patch per say into its color elements by adding rgb lights it causes any one channel white fixture to respond only to red..

So I I run a blue effect I lose that light altogether..

So for those fixtures can I go to fixture editor.. Copy the 1 channel light and create a red a green and a blue fixture by changing their color field?

Then in patch add red green and blue fixtures on top of each other in patch.. With the same dmx addresses?

I'm thinking using overlap I can do this. I just don't know what happens when you use the same dmx address twice in the patch.. And that address sees effects from 2 locations in the patch.

To me I would've thought adding a white fixture means it would respond to any color element in white.. So all of rgb. And take an average of the values it sees divided by the number of colors it's triggering off of to still get a 0-255 intensity value.. But that may be tough to code in and cause confusion for some.
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Re: Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

Post by Fritzsche »

If only 1-channel fixtures are in the patch, the previews will automatically switch to white color. As such, your Previews will display white and your controls will only offer 1 channel: white. So MADRIX will only allow "white" effects.

As such, 1-channel fixtures are represented by white in MADRIX to have a general reference and since a lot 1-channel fixtures also output white.

In this case, the Fixture Editor will not allow to create 1-channel red, green, or blue fixtures. 1-channel automatically means white (and the first color channel).

I can understand your approach for white fixtures. But that is not how it works right now in MADRIX.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention, though!

I'll double-check with the developers, if a macro/script might help.
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Re: Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

Post by cadillackid »

I also have found out now that I guess i cannot have more than one fixture with the same DMX address.. my guess is by design or things could get hairy..

I was trying to get crafty and have my Mega-Tree in 2 places.. and some other string lights too.. which is what prompted the "red" thing..

the big issue with only seeing "red" is that any M2L effect that uses the table is about out for me without a special map...

im remotely controlling MADRIX with DMX so I dont have the ability to search and load color maps and such on the fly.. im thinking the only thing I can do remotely is just select Bins like I do now... unless there are more commands for remote control I do not know of that can alter parameters.
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Re: Wierd Fixture color issue - only "sees" Red.

Post by Fritzsche »

Well, it is possible to set the same DMX address for different fixtures. But if those fixtures are mapped out to different locations, that will cause issues. MADRIX will send data on all those pixels and even if the second pixel has no effect mapped to it, MADRIX will send Black.

Remote Control via DMX offers more options than only choosing bins, but altering the parameters you are thinking of is indeed not possible.

Thank you.