MADRIX Forum • Editing a fixture and apply to existing patch
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Editing a fixture and apply to existing patch

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:16 pm
by mrbob20

I have a very complex patch, that I have patched using the generic RGB fitting.

I have just received my strips and the colour order is BRG :(

I have edited the generic RGB fixture in the fixture editor so that the colour order is BRG.

When I patch new fittings, this works, but it hasn't worked for the existing fittings.

Is there any way I can make this change to the existing fittings?



Re: Editing a fixture and apply to existing patch

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:18 pm
by jaekel
Hi mrbob20,

sorry there no simple way for do that.

Your have 3 ways:

Use an MainOut macro for change the color RGB to BGR e.g.

Code: Select all

@scriptname="RGB to BGR";
@version="1.0 / 1. Aug 2013";
@description="Transform complete mainout matrix from RGB to BGR color";

color matrix[][];
color Col_RGB;
color Col_BGR;

int SizeX=GetMatrixWidth();
int SizeY=GetMatrixHeight();

void InitEffect()

void PreRenderEffect()

void PostRenderEffect()
	GetPixelArea(matrix); // get RGB colored matrix
	for(int x=0;x<SizeX;x++)
		for(int y=0;y<SizeY;y++)
			// get RGB color from pixel
			// transform RGB -> BGR         			
			// set BGR color for pixel
	DrawPixelArea(matrix); // set BGR colored matrix		

void MatrixSizeChanged()

If you work with MADRIX3 you can save the patch as *.mpx file. Then edit this file with you favorit XML editor and replace the RGB fixture with the BGR fixture via "Search and Replace" function.

If you work wit MADRIX 2.x send a mail with the MADRIX patch file to info[at]
Lets see what we can do.


Re: Editing a fixture and apply to existing patch

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:35 pm
by reporter

I just had the exact same issue happen to me. I exported the patch as xml and did a mass find and replace.

the necessary parts to change are the color channel information:

Code: Select all

                <channel version="0x03000000" name="Color Red" />
                <channel version="0x03000000" name="Color Green" number="1" color_channel="1"/>
                <channel version="0x03000000" name="Color Blue" number="2" color_channel="2"/>
Change those lines, for every pixel, to:

Code: Select all

                <channel version="0x03000000" name="Color Blue" color_channel="2"/>
                <channel version="0x03000000" name="Color Green" number="1" color_channel="1"/>
                <channel version="0x03000000" name="Color Red" number="2"/>
After that, you could go through and copy and replace all "RGB" with "BGR". Changing that won't have any impact on your patch, but it will make it so you can understand the patch better.

Hope that helps anyone else!