StarSky Effect

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Joined: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:34 pm

StarSky Effect

Post by aldholland »

Hi Madrix,

I'm looking for a proper starsky effect for Madrix. I have a project with a led ceiling and want to fade in and fade out single leds so it creates a nice star sky effect. I tried doing it with the existing effects but the only fade out and don't fade in.

Any ideas on how I can create this effect?

with kind regards,
Eric Piefer
Posts: 908
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: StarSky Effect

Post by Guertler »

Hi Eric,

You can do a "Fade In" and "Fade Out" with a simple "SCE Color Change". This "Color Change" consists of 2 colors. The first color is "White" and the second color is "Black". With the "BPM" setting you can setup the speed.
Another way is to use the "SCE Pulse/Stroboscope". Here you have to change the "Mode" to "Strobe" and enable "Fade". Now you can setup the "On/Off" time.
If you want to "Fade In" and "Fade Out" another effect, create the effect and in the second Layer create a "SCE Color Change" or "SCE Pulse/Stroboscope" as described before. Now choose "Mask" as "Mix mode" for the second Layer.
You can map the "Fade In" and "Fade Out" effect if you don't want this effect at the whole matrix.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:34 pm

Re: StarSky Effect

Post by aldholland »

Guertler wrote:Hi Eric,

You can do a "Fade In" and "Fade Out" with a simple "SCE Color Change". This "Color Change" consists of 2 colors. The first color is "White" and the second color is "Black". With the "BPM" setting you can setup the speed.
Another way is to use the "SCE Pulse/Stroboscope". Here you have to change the "Mode" to "Strobe" and enable "Fade". Now you can setup the "On/Off" time.
If you want to "Fade In" and "Fade Out" another effect, create the effect and in the second Layer create a "SCE Color Change" or "SCE Pulse/Stroboscope" as described before. Now choose "Mask" as "Mix mode" for the second Layer.
You can map the "Fade In" and "Fade Out" effect if you don't want this effect at the whole matrix.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you.
Hi Guertler

thanks for the quick reply. But this is not what I'm looking for :)
I want to create a real starsky effects so with single pixels randomly fading IN and OUT. I tried the Starfield option but this generates too much pixels.
Hope you understand what I mean :)
Posts: 908
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: StarSky Effect

Post by Guertler »

Hi aldholland,

Ok, now I think I have understood.

The effects of MADRIX are not created to control only one pixel at each time.
But you can solve the problem with a MADRIX Script (MAS). The script below controls only one pixel with "Fade In" and "Fade out". Please copy the script to a blank "MAS Script Effect Editor" in MADRIX. If you want to control more pixels at each time, please copy the "MAS Script Effect" to the next Layer and change the "Mix Mode" of this Layer to "OR".
More information about the MADRIX "Script Effect" is available under:
@scriptname="One Pixel flash with Fade";
@author="inoage GmbH";
@description="Only one pixel is fade in and fade out at each time.";

int width = 0, height = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
float dimmer = 0;
int switcher = 0;

ctrlcolor col = {"Color",WHITE}; //Color Picker
ctrlslider fade = {"Fade", 0, 5, 50, "Fade In and Fade Out"}; //Fade Slider

void InitEffect()
width = GetMatrixWidth();
height = GetMatrixHeight();
x = random(0, width);
y = random(0, height);

void RenderEffect()

SetPixel(col.value, x, y);
DimPixel(dimmer, x, y);

float fadeTrans = fade.value/100.0;
if(switcher == 0)
dimmer += fadeTrans;
if(switcher == 1)
dimmer -= fadeTrans;

if(dimmer >= 1)
switcher = 1;

if(dimmer <= 0.0)
switcher = 0;
x = random(0, width);
y = random(0, height);

void MatrixSizeChanged()