RGB Matrix with irregular shape - is this possible in madrix

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RGB Matrix with irregular shape - is this possible in madrix

Post by heystew »

potential new madrix user here. Plenty of experience in RGB, but have only toyed with the Madrix demo briefly. I am creating some RGB structures using pixel strings that are not a standard rectangle. I've played with the matrix creator and the fixture creator to build a string, but it seems that they only support rectangles.
Can anyone point me to some information or have experience with this?
Let's take for example that I want to create a matrix that is a circle. The LED strings would loop back and forth just like in a rectangular matrix, but each row/column is not the same length.

I searched the forum but could not find any reference to this.

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Re: RGB Matrix with irregular shape - is this possible in ma

Post by Wissmann »

sometimes you have to think different.
I am not sure what you have exactly in mind so i describe two possibilities.
Lets say your led bars are one behind each other to build a circle shape.
Lets say you have 10 led bars and each led bar have 10 pixel.
In this case your matrix in MADRIX could be 100 pixel in x and just one pixel in y.
Patch your fixtures using the Matrxi Generator or the patch editor of MADRIX.
Lets say you have 100 led bars each 10 pixel in a row and the 100 led bars are right beside each other but vertical.
In this case just use a matrix inside MADRIX of 100 Pixel in x and 10 pixel in y.
You know just imagine that the left and the right side of the matrix are beside each other because they build a circle.
In some effects like the SCE Ticker you have a continous check box which is made for such special cases, so for example a text running around a tube without break.

For the second case it doesn´t matter if the led bars you patch are of different size/length. For this you just have to setup the desired position in y.
LEDs are nothing without control ;-)
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Re: RGB Matrix with irregular shape - is this possible in ma

Post by heystew »

Thanks for the information and reply. Unfortunately my choice of a circle as an example was a poor one. My intention is to build various 2D shapes that are not in a rectangular form. Attached is a picture of what i meant when i said circle.. this is greatly simplified as it will actually have 100's of pixels, so it will be much more complex to recreate.
