Full Intensity "Blinder"

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Full Intensity "Blinder"

Post by StefanHegteler »

I would like to have a fader wich one I can use with DMX, that all the blinders (Chromlech Jarag) go to full Intensity. And also that all RGB channels go to full intensity and white.
I would realy like to have a kind of blinder function. A function that have a higher priority over the running Effects.

Thanks! :D
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Re: Full Intensity "Blinder"

Post by dieter »


a simple way use the dmx fader tool from MADRIX for control single channel for the blinder signal.

I hope can help.
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Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:23 pm

Re: Full Intensity "Blinder"

Post by StefanHegteler »

dieter wrote:Hi,

a simple way use the dmx fader tool from MADRIX for control single channel for the blinder signal.

I hope can help.
Hi Dieter,
Thanks for you answer.
Can you explain me how to use that?

Thanks in forward.
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Re: Full Intensity "Blinder"

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi Stefan,

The DMX Fader Tool is already implemented into MADRIX.

To open the tool, go to the menu Tools in MADRIX and choose DMX Fader Tool.

You now have access to twelve channels, which will have a higher priority than the currently running effects.

You can individually set up each channel with DMX Universe, DMX channel, and DMX value.

Here is the link to the User Manual: http://help.madrix.com/hidd_tools.html

To let all RGB channels go to full intensity, simply select a new Storage Place, select SCE Color and select the color white. This is always full intensity, as long as no Submaster, Opacity, Master Fader, etc. is used to dim the lights. You can also create a new Layer for existing effects and use the "Blind Mode" to deactivate the Layer when not needed.

Good luck and have fun!