Map Editor Tools Wanted

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Map Editor Tools Wanted

Post by ChrisCotton »

With the video playback that Madrix allows, These are the Functions I find myself utilizing/clicking a lot/lusting for better these days:

The ability to save custom map positions - more than the one "custom" available
The ability to display and label them with sortable color font

When creating a custom Mapping, the sliders for Tiling Size X and Y need to have a greater range. I'm typing in usually 400.

It would be nice to be able to store and recall the custom Map settings in the cuelist, so that they could tie to or track the time location on the Video Playback Position slider.

It would be nice to allow triggering stored custom Mappings on the fly with the keyboard...

Thanks Guys
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Re: Map Editor Tools Wanted

Post by Schulze »

Hi ChrisCotton,

Thank you for your feedback!

I will forward it to our developers.
Posts: 327
Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Re: Map Editor Tools Wanted

Post by Schulze »

Hi ChrisCotton,

I need to come back to you regarding one of the feature requests:
It would be nice to be able to store and recall the custom Map settings in the cuelist, so that they could tie to or track the time location on the Video Playback Position slider.
- A possible workaround could be to use a "Effect Parameter Chaser", which also allows you to dynamically change the Map settings of a layer.
- The MADRIX Cue List(s) refer to Places on a certain Storage. Thus I'm not sure about the request, since a Place could contains multiple Layers.
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