Best way to switch ON/OFF presets 5pm-9pm

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Posts: 31
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Best way to switch ON/OFF presets 5pm-9pm

Post by Quinton »


I have an installation where the client changes between scenes in Madrix 5 throughout the year by clicking on the various presets dependent on event (i.e Green for St Patricks Day). These run for days/weeks at a time. They now want Madrix to control ON/OFF times so they will select the scene (i.e. Green) and Madrix is to turn the lights ON at 5pm and Off at 9pm daily.

What is the best way for me to set this up for them so that the on/off continues to happen daily and they simply click on the preset to change colors?
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Re: Best way to switch ON/OFF presets 5pm-9pm

Post by Quinton »

Hi team, any advice on this?
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Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Re: Best way to switch ON/OFF presets 5pm-9pm

Post by Schulze »

Hi Quinton,

Sorry for the delay!

How do you call the Storage Places? Manually or do you use remote control?
You can create a Cue List containing two Cues with a Time Code (without duration), which are responsible for the ON and OFF times. As Time Code source you can use "System Time". If you now select a Storage Place, MADRIX will switch to this Storage Place and output it. If the Time Code becomes valid in the meantime, MADRIX will call the ON or OFF Storage Place.
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Re: Best way to switch ON/OFF presets 5pm-9pm

Post by Quinton »

Hi Schulze,

Ideally i will be calling the storage places via remote in the future but the client still does this manually. Is there a way to set intensity 100% at 5pm then back to 0% at 9pm in that way the client can change scenes and the intensity can deal with the on/off?
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Re: Best way to switch ON/OFF presets 5pm-9pm

Post by Schulze »

Hi Quinton,

I think the easiest way would be to use Fixture Groups and two "Group Presets" (one with intensity = 255 and the other one with intensity = 0). That means for the "ON"-Cue you will need to use the Group Preset with intensity = 255 and for the "OFF"-Cue you will use the Group Preset with intensity = 0.

I guess you will only need to create one Fixture Group, which includes all fixtures (CTRL+A in the Patch Edtior > "Create From Selection").

Therefore basically you will only need to set up the correct Time Code, Storage, Place and "Group Preset" for those two ON/OFF Cues. In the meantime (when none of the time codes is valid) you can call other Storage Places manually. Once the Time Code becomes valid, MADRIX will switch to the corresponding Storage Place, e.g. to turn off the installation by lowering the intensity to 0.

I hope this helps you!
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