Fixture Group in shape of text

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Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:02 am

Fixture Group in shape of text

Post by Quinton »

Hi team i am having trouble creating a fixture group in the shape of text. I select the fittings in the shape of a word (lets say MADRIX) but when i got to apply the effect it applies it to the full rectangle encompassing the MADRIX text. Can you please steer me in the right direction? im not sure what im doing wrong?

The idea is to have several fixture groups across the patch with different 'words' showing different effects.
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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: Fixture Group in shape of text

Post by Guertler »

Hello Quinton,

In case of mapping the fixture groups are working like a rectangle bounding box. So if you add fixtures in a letter shape to a fixture group for instance, the effect will always map in a rectangle. But if you will dim the group via the "Group Control" only the assigend fixtures are dimmed.

What you can do at the moment to get the desired result is to work with images as masks and add this images to a new layer. As last step use the mix mode "Mask" for this layer.
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