Madrix 5.6 global colors - missing lables for buttons

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Posts: 13
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Madrix 5.6 global colors - missing lables for buttons

Post by MTX-Lightning »

There is a bug with missing lables in the default colors view.
Windows 10 - Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768 (100%)
See Screenshot for details.
If set to seperate window lables and icons were shown correctly.
I think the screen resolution might cause the problem.
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:58 pm

Re: Madrix 5.6 global colors - missing lables for buttons

Post by MTX-Lightning »

Most lables are Icons and there are missing icons in other wiews / windows, too, like in the color gradient window... of S2L EQ properties...

All missing elements I found have something to do with colors...
S2L Wavegraph has a missing icon next to the alpha channel value, too.

Maybe it could be a problem of the installation. I can't check this now, because it was in the club I was working at the weekends.
Last Version was last Madrix 5.5 before updating to Madrix 5.6.
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Re: Madrix 5.6 global colors - missing lables for buttons

Post by Guertler »

Hello MTX-Lightning,

The occured problems with buttons presentation depends on the set Display resolution. At the moment the used PC is working according to the required minimum resolution for the high (compare the MADRIX system requirements: ... ments.html).

To solve the presentation issue simply work with MADRIX in Full Screen mode (View > Full Screen). In that case the MADRIX user interface will be displayed in the minimum required resolution at this PC.
If Full Screen mode will isn't possible in your workflow, the Windows OS option "Atomatically hide the taskbar" should also help.

By the way this behavior of MADRIX will also exist in previous verions in case of using the minimum required resolution.
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