recommended hardware SPECs?

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recommended hardware SPECs?

Post by cadillackid »

as im looking to purchase a touchscreen device to run my MADRIX 3 on, I am looking for suggestions on what the real world specs need to be to run it ..

I have tried running MADRIX 2 on a laptop and then using a Wi-Fi connected iPAD to control it.. however with web and with only being able to run the HTTP server on the same network as the Multicast E1.31 traffic is going over (I wish I could bind the HTTP server to a secondary NIC).. I have a bit of lag.. so if im trying to match bin changes to beats, etc.. i am off by a bit..

so im looking at actually running MADRIX directly on a touchscreen laptop for better control...

I will have roughly about 20 - 30 universes of lights and would Like to maintain 30 FPS.. thus far on an old core 2 duo laptop with win XP ive been able to maintain 50 FPS with 11 universes of pixels..

I havent had a chance to get MADRIX 3 loaded up up yet to try. but want to buy the new machine, and beta M3 all at the same time.. so im looking for ideas..
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Re: recommended hardware SPECs?

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi there!

Thanks for taking the time to think about such things.

So can you please specify what kind of recommendations you would like to hear? Is it about the technical specs of the computer, the touch display, or experiences with touch screen laptops?

That would be helpful!