Multiple NEO

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Multiple NEO

Post by cbsbd3 »

I have one NEO set up doing exactly what I want it to do using a 16x16x1 patch. I wanted to add a second NEO for a second universe that is controlling another 16x16 matrix. I want the two different universes to run separate M2L effects at the same time but I can't seem to wrap my head around how to do this. Would I set up a 16x16x2 patch and map each universe to the correct "layer"? When I do that and go back into Madrix it looks like a 32x16 patch that has to run just one M2L effect.

I am using 12 generic RGB pixels on my first patch (the 16x16 is just the field size), I want my second NEO to run an actual 16x16 RGBW panel each pixel is individually addressable.

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Re: Multiple NEO

Post by Wissmann »

OK there are to issues you are fighting on.
1. How to patch and control
2. the amount of NEO´s you need
Let me start with the second issue i see.
You say you like to control a 16x16 pixel RGBW Panel where each pixel is individual control able.
So 16x16x4 makes 1024 DMX channels.
One NEO offers one DMX-512A Universe which means 512 DMX channels in total. So for this kind of 16x16xRGBW panel you need 2 NEO´s.
How to patch and control.
Ok you can set up the patch in 16x16x2. To see this in the previews you have to switch the previews into the 3D display mode.
But i would prefer to set up the patch size to 32x16, so no 3D Previews are necesarry (you have no 3D application right?).
Next you have to use two layers, mapping the first layer to the left 16x16 pixel running one effect and the second layer mapped to the right 16x16 pixel runnung a different effect.
I hope this helps.
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Re: Multiple NEO

Post by cbsbd3 »

Thanks for the info! I was actually looking at info for the wrong panel. I have actually bought (4) Rainbow Matrix 7x6 RGB panels, which brings me below the 512 maximum for the NEO if I'm not mistaken. When I get back home this afternoon I will try out your suggestions on how to set up the two universes.

Thanks again!