Auto Ticker/Text BPM Calculation

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Auto Ticker/Text BPM Calculation

Post by poya »

Hi guys,

I've made good progress with the CMS I'm building and have a quick question to ask.

I'm feeding the 'SCE Ticker/Scrolling Text' dynamic content from our CMS.

However, I'm wondering if there is a quick way for me to adjust the BPM of the Ticker based on the length of the string passed in.

I know I could work this out by taking the char count and adjusting the BPM accordingly. I'm just struggling to find where in the documentation the default 600 BPM is explained for the Ticker Text. It's explained for the SCE Color Change and SCE Shapes in the document 'Using BPM Control' Remarks section. If you could tell me the relationship between string length and BPM I would very much appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Auto Ticker/Text BPM Calculation

Post by Wissmann »

Hi poya,
i will try to explain how the BPM value is interpretet by the SCE Ticker.
In case of the SCE Ticker this is a little harder like in other effects.
With 3000 BPM (50Hz) the Text will be moved within one second until he is again visible onto the matrix.
Lets say you have the text "Hallo", which is moved from right to left, so with 3000 BPM it needs one second until the Letter "H" is coming in again from the right sight.
This means the visual speed depends on the size form the matrtix in comparison to the size (length) of the text.
For the calculation of the movement the lenght of the text plus the size of the matrix (space behind the text, so the text move out completely from the matrix before he is coming in again) is used. The matrix size is always the same plus the length of the text which can differ.
So if you like to prdeict the speed you need the text length and the matrix width with the knowledge this total size will need one second with 3000 BPM.
I Hope this makes sense for you.
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Re: Auto Ticker/Text BPM Calculation

Post by poya »

Thanks for explaining that for me Wissmann, I'll be able write a method to auto correct the BPM with the information you provided!
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Re: Auto Ticker/Text BPM Calculation

Post by poya »

Hi Wissmann,

I thought I understood setting the BPM depending on the length of the string but I realise now I've miss understood your explanation.

I understand adding together the string length and the matrix width e.g. var totalSize = madrix-width(384) + string-length(10);

However, I don't understand how I now use the above along side the BPM to keep the ticker text content moving at the same speed regardless of string size.

I want all content in the ticker text to move across the screen at the same speed regardless of string size. If I increase the characters, I know I have to reduce to BPM, but I couldn't work out the formula. Would you be able to explain to me again how to structure the equation to get a BPM out which is different depending on the string.

Thanks in advance,
