Load Cue List from DMX?

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Load Cue List from DMX?

Post by cadillackid »

is there a way to load cue lists via remote DMX?

I want to be able to have multiple Cue lists Saved and call them up as say a song starts..

the workaround I have been using is to have a large cue list and then use remote DMX Goto and send my pointer to a spot in it ..

trouble is if I make a change to one Cue i have to go back to the software that calls the cue list goto and edit it as the "goto" in the remote will be wrong...

is there a scripting method I can do where I can have a script called remotely to load up a cue list?
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Re: Load Cue List from DMX?

Post by Wissmann »

Hi Cristopher,
unfortunately there is no remote command in MADRIX for loading a new cuelist from file.
To improve the situation you describe i will recomend to write a main out macro where you define a dmx input channel by yourself for controling the GoTo of the Cuelist.
Using the main out macro will allow you to define something like dmx value one is for song 1, dmx value 2 is for song 2 and so on.
If you change something in the cuelist you can change the macro as well and you are not forced to go back to the software which sends the remote cuelist GoTo.
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