V3.5a no output on uni 11

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V3.5a no output on uni 11

Post by Matthieu »

hello and happy newyear,
i have a new show comming up and im making a new patch etc.
when i patch universe 11 the first 4 fixtures are not controlled by madrix.
when i test them with the DMX fader tool or highlight the whole uni they will light up.
i tryed a new show/patch even used the standard show, i cant get them to work.
i will try to roll back to an older version and see if this problem stays.

thanks in advance
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Re: V3.5a no output on uni 11

Post by Guertler »

Hello Matthieu,
Please make sure that all faders of the "DMX Fader Tool" in MADRIX are disabled. The "DMX Fader Tool" works LTP in MADRIX. That means if one fader is activated and the value is set to 0. You will never see the output of a MADRIX effect for the desired DMX channel.
To check if one or more faders are enable please open the "DMX Fader Tool" (go in MADRIX to "Tools > DMX Fader Tool...") and have a look to the "On" checkbox of the faders. If a fader is enabled the cehckbox is illuminated in green.
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:23 pm

Re: V3.5a no output on uni 11

Post by Matthieu »

aha, this makes perfect sense! when i read it i knew that was why, i used the fader tool to test the controlls last year...
thanks for the quick answer and great software!!
