HTTP Remote Control

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HTTP Remote Control

Post by Armstrong »

Hi, I'm using http://<IPAddress>:8008/RemoteCommands/SetStorageWithoutFade=S1P18 to play back a particular storage location via the HTTP API interface.

This storage location has a single layer with 3 effect parameter chasers each timed for 2 seconds. I am expecting to set the storage location via the above URL and have it play the location, including effect chaser steps.

What actually happens, is that the storage location is activated, but the effect chaser steps don't play automatically. What get's displayed is the last step that was played, and no other steps are triggered.

Am I missing something about the API to trigger the steps automatically? E.g. does using the cue list somehow take care of this automatically?

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Re: HTTP Remote Control

Post by Armstrong »

Any ideas? I'd appreciate some help on this thanks.
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Re: HTTP Remote Control

Post by Wissmann »

Hi Armstrong,
what about the loop count in the chaser?
If this is not endless it will stop the playback at the last position.
You get this back if you switch back to this Storage Place.
Currently the loop count have to be endless to secure the chaser is playing if you switch to this Storage Place.
For the future we have in mind to add a "Autostart" option to the chaser, so that not endless loop chaser will start if you switch to the Storage Place.
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Re: HTTP Remote Control

Post by Armstrong »

Thanks for responding Wissmann.

Does this mean that if I want the effect chasers to run, I have to press play in the User Interface? If so, we won't be able to do this, since the solution needs to be stand-alone.

Just to run through the requirement, we have a gym studio where we want to control the lighting. We want to use your HTTP API to trigger lighting effects at certain points in the gym class. The effect I'm currently working on has 3 vertical lanes of lights, and I need to flash each lane in a team colour, giving 2 seconds per lane. Right now I have used one storage location with 3 effect chasers of 2 seconds each, together with SCE Colour and playing with the map positions to switch lane. Is there any way I can achieve the same effect without using the effect chasers and integrating with the HTTP API?

If this works, we're looking to roll it out to around 10-20 gyms, using the Neo USB solution.
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Re: HTTP Remote Control

Post by Wissmann »

yes the chaser have to play to play again if you switch back to the storage place.
If i understand you correctly, why you did not use 3 different storage places where you map the 3 areas (one area per storage place) and trigger this storage places per http?
Also it would be possible to set up the colors one time by SCE ColorRamp for example, or 3 layer with the different colors mapped to the areas like you do and than use the group control, where ech area is one fixture group and remote control this groups (intensity) by http.
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Re: HTTP Remote Control

Post by Fritzsche »

Just a quick note:
Have you considered using MADRIX PLEXUS and its stand-alone playback capabilities for this project?
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