Brightness / contrast adjustement on image/video

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Brightness / contrast adjustement on image/video

Post by teji »


Fresh new to Madrix, i'm very surprised to not found possibility to (fine) adjust Brightness and contrast on images or videos.

The rendering of images/videos on led panels always need to be adjusted to get the better result. I do no found this setting/filter in madrix !

just "lighter/darker", or mix method, but no fine adjust....

i test the trick via a window capture on IrfanView image as image source. as this, i can adjust brightness /contrast in irfanview and get live image in Madrix...

Is there a better way to do it ??? i presume i'm not the first one to ask this !!

Thanks a lot !
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Re: Brightness / contrast adjustement on image/video

Post by Guertler »

Hello teji,
Thank you for your input.
At the moment we have no possibility to adjust the brightness and contrast in MADRIX.
But be sure we will discuss this feature request with the developers.
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Re: Brightness / contrast adjustement on image/video

Post by teji »

Thanks ! Any idea of delay to get "eventually" this (mandatory) feature ? ;-)
Posts: 905
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Re: Brightness / contrast adjustement on image/video

Post by Guertler »

Hello teji,
Sorry, at the moment I can not tell you when we can release a MADRIX version with this requested feature.
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Re: Brightness / contrast adjustement on image/video

Post by bez »


I had he same question about adding contrast to videos. Here is a solution.
1. Create Color Layer
2. Create Video Layer (so that it is the second tab)
3. Set Layer Mix Mode of Video layer to Linear Light.
4. On the Color Layer tab, adjust the color (grey scale) to add more or less contrast.

There could be a better way of doing this, but this method seems to work. If the video is not high contrast to begin with, the LED strips that I have are always a little bit white. This solves that.