Render animation

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Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:16 pm

Render animation

Post by aristocompasso »

Hi guys,

I am a bit pressed for time regarding this one. What are my best options to render out the effects programmed with Madrix within an actual 3D scene? Should I import everything inside WYSIWYG, MA3D or the like? Is it remotely possible to render the effects from a 3D software package like 3DS Max, Blender or C4D with my preferred render engine? Has anyone ever tried doing this?

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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: Render animation

Post by Guertler »

Hello aristocompasso,

When you want to create a realistic visualization of your project you will need to use a 3D visualizer like wysiwyg, MA3d, Capture, Realizzer 3D and so on. Now you will connect MADRIX to the visualizer software via Art-Net, add and patch the desired fixtures also in the 3D visualizer and you can see the MADRIX content in a realistic look on the visualizer.
Now it depends on how realistic you want to render the scene how much objects and fixtures you have to add/import.
In the most visualizer it is possible to import 3D objects which are created via another 3D animation tool.