kinetic lighting system

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Re: kinetic lighting system

Post by pieter_LMS »

topic kick..

What is the best approach to control led tubes connected to orbisfly winches?
You see a lot of setups, with connected winches; three tubes connected, forming a triangle.

So the 3 winches are a connected 'group'. Otherwise, one winch goes up and another goes down. WIth a running length of 5 meter of cable and the tube is only 1 meter..

I know how to control a winch within Madrix, but searching for an example of a triangular setup! :?:
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Re: kinetic lighting system

Post by Guertler »

Hello pieter_LMS,

In the explained case to have a triangle of LED tubes and on the corners there will be a winch. I would work in the following way:
1.) First of all you will need to know how many DMX values of the winch are 1 meter.
2.) You are creating your effects in the range between 0 and the DMX value for one meter. Now you can be sure that the way of the winches is in this range.
3.) If you now want to change the high of all winches of the triangle, you have to add an additional layer on this layer you can change the high with a simple "SCE Color" or animate for instance with the "SCE Color Change" to the desired high.
4.) To add the values of both layers at the output you have to use the mixe mode: "Linear Dodge".

I hope this will help you.
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:01 pm

Re: kinetic lighting system

Post by pieter_LMS »

hi Guertier, thanks for the response. Your solution is working if you're controlling just '3 winches'
But for a setup like this, I think it's difficult to make all those different layers...
I also tried to get in contact with the supplier, but no response so far..

Or is there something in your solution I'm not aware of?