No. of Universes

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No. of Universes

Post by mission_rave »


I have a question about how does Madrix account for the DMX channels.

i have 12 lines of vertical light fixtures in a grid of 12 x 12.

the vertical tubes are 1m each , have 16 pixels. Thats 48 channels.

So 1 line of 12 vertical tubes have = 576 channels. (thats more than a universe)

But in my horizontal case im only using 384 channels per line.

So total no. of channels in the whole system is =

Vertical = 6912
Horizontal = 4424
Total = 11336 Channels. if i divide that by 512 i get 22 (That means 22 DMX Universes to run this system)

I already have 3 Acclaim X-nets 8 universe each.

My main question is , does madrix automatically detect & split the no. of available channels and distribute them amongst the fixtures


It goes by the physical connection of each line into 1 dmx??

im stuck with this , and looking to order more x-nets
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Re: No. of Universes

Post by Wissmann »

Hi mission_rave,
first sorry about the late late reply.
The most of the team was on LDI and we was a litle bit to busy.
Yes MADRIX calculates the used channels based on the used fixtures.
So it is possible to use more universes if the used channels are lower than 512.
LEDs are nothing without control ;-)