HTTP Remote Ipad

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HTTP Remote Ipad

Post by Prism »

When i setup the HTTP remote option I find that you can only select 1 storage place once without having to refresh page to select again. So for example I select SP1 and then select Sp2 and it works however when i try to select Sp1 again no response unless I refresh page. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: HTTP Remote Ipad

Post by Guertler »

Hello Prism,

Thank you for reporting this issue.
Currently it is a problem in the HTTP remote view for the iPad. In MADRIX the desired storage place will activated but the iPad user interface will still show the old one. After you click twice on the IPad you will see the correct view.
We will fix this bug as soon as possible.
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Re: HTTP Remote Ipad

Post by Prism »


Any update on this fix. Really need this to work as it should.

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Re: HTTP Remote Ipad

Post by reporter »

I had issues with using the web gui to trigger effects. It seems that my ipad wasn't attempting to connect to Madrix, if I had already clicked a link. The ipad would just display it's own cache of the link (which doesn't look any different, as it's really just the same index.html file.

I modified the index.html file that Madrix serves to the clients in the following ways. Most importantly for me, is that I used Javascript to append the current time to the end of each link. That way the ipad would always attempt to connect to get the current link. Madrix just ignores the time.

Original link code in index.html

Code: Select all

<a href="/index.html?SetStorage=S1P1" id="S1P1" target="_self" class="normal"><img width="50px" height="50px" src="/../..$$$GetControlPath$$$/GetStorageThumb.bmp=S1P1" alt="$$$GetStorageDescription=S1P1$$$" title="$$$GetStorageDescription=S1P1$$$"></a>
My modified link code in index.html

Code: Select all

<a href="javascript:navigator_Go('index.html?SetStorage=S1P1;' + new Date().getTime());" id="S1P1" target="_self" class="normal"><img width="100px" height="100px" src="/$$$GetControlPath$$$/GetStorageThumb.bmp=S1P1" alt="$$$GetStorageDescription=S1P1$$$" title="$$$GetStorageDescription=S1P1$$$"></a>
I've included the file as an attachment. I think I made a few other modifications, too, so you might want to look at that file.

I hope that helps,

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