Madrix 5.1 DVI External Preview

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Madrix 5.1 DVI External Preview

Post by mookai1973 »

Hi All,

I would like to use external dvi preview but when I choose this function it's
no nothing show on screen but when I choose windows preview or full screen preview it's working fine,

I don't know why but this function it's working fine on madrix 3.6

I'm use Madrix Key Professional run on Windows 10 x64

Any idea for this

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Re: Madrix 5.1 DVI External Preview

Post by Guertler »

Hello mookai1973,

When you want to work with the "External Preview" in "DVI" mode in MADRIX 5, you have to patch DVI fixtures in the MADRIX patch.

If there are only DMX fixtures patched, MADRIX 5 won't display this fixtures in "DVI" mode. So please check the patch if there are DVI fixtures added.

The advantage of the different behavior between AMDRIX 3 and MADRIX 5 is you don't need to enable the "DVI Mapping" separately in the option of the "External Preview". If you have activate it in the "Patch Editor" it will automatically used in the "DVI" mode of the "External Preview".
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Re: Madrix 5.1 DVI External Preview

Post by mookai1973 »

Hi Guertler ,

Thank you so much, it's working now

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