Bulk Import / Edit "Device Manager" DMX Devices

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Bulk Import / Edit "Device Manager" DMX Devices

Post by jholmes »

I need to populate hundreds of sACN Unicast universes in the Device Manager, not all of which are sequential. Do you have advice on how to do this best?

The biggest hurtle I have found is the inability to bulk-edit the unicast IP address and Madrix universe for multiple "dmx devices" at once. You CAN sequentially auto-number ACN universes but not Madrix Universes.

I really need to be able to select a range of universes and tell it a single IP and a sequential range for Madrix Unverse and ACN Universe.

I'm happy to do this outside of Madrix then import it if someone can show me how.
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Re: Bulk Import / Edit "Device Manager" DMX Devices

Post by Guertler »

Hello jholmes,

Inside of the DMX tab of the MADRIX Device Manager you are able to change the settings of one sACN device entry.

To bulk edit the settings of the created devices you have to save the "MADRIX DMX Device Settings" in the "Device Manger" as ".mdmxx" file. You are now able to open the this file with a desired XML Editor and change the desired settings.

Please note: When you change the setting of an ".mdmxx" file, you will do it at your own risk. We can't guarantee that MADRIX can load this file after the changes. It is recommended to create a backup.
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