Updating Mapping Presets

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Updating Mapping Presets

Post by dijjital@gmail.com »

Hi there,
I make extensive use of pixel groups in the Map presets on my layers while setting up comps. I've noticed that when I update the pixel groups, the map presets do not update. I have to go into each one of my layers in each comp and re-select the appropriate Map preset. Why can't these auto-update when it's detected that there's been a change in the pixel group? This would save hours of point-n-clicking...
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Re: Updating Mapping Presets

Post by Schulze »

Hi dijjital,

Thank you for your request.

We will discuss it with our developers.
Posts: 20
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Re: Updating Mapping Presets

Post by jholmes »

Adding a ping to this request. I just wrote another post (not realizing this was here) about this issue. I have a show with 400 bins, each of which have 3+ maps. My layout is about to change and I'm dreading having to fix 1,200 map settings!
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Re: Updating Mapping Presets

Post by Guertler »

Hello jholmes,

Please have a look to the forum thread under the following link:

We are also discussing this kind of request there.
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