Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

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Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

Post by DigitalStains »

Dear Madrix crew,

a couple of days ago we switched to a new computer for using Madrix. Everything is working well, except that when I've eddited some things in the midi remote setup and save, the program crashes. When I load up Madrix again, the file I saved is in the folder, but all mappings are gone. And this happens every time I try to save a midi remote mapping.
Other weird thing is, when I close the Midi Remote Editor and it askes me if I want to save, and I do that, the editor stay open and nothing happens.

I tried running Madrix as Administrator, same result.

Please let me know if it's a problem on our side or something else.

Greetings, Stefan (Club Air, Amsterdam)
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Re: Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

Post by Fritzsche »

Thank you for reporting this issue!
In fact, you have found a software bug that has already been fixed internally.
We hope to release a new software update soon that will fix this problem. We are sorry!
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Re: Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

Post by dstar »

Hallo, da es hier passt, wollt ich kein extra Topic aufmachen.
Bei mir stürzt es zwar nicht ab, aber die angepassten Midi Befehle werden ebenfalls nicht gespeichert.
Würde es helfen eine alte Madrix Version zu installieren, und die Midi-Zuordnung damit zu erstellen?

Edit: Frage selbst beantwortet. Alte Version und Rechner gesucht - Midi zugewiesen - in der aktuellen Version geladen - läuft.

Map and save your Midi-Remote with an older version of madrix (2.11 or older), an load your *.mmrc in 2.12.
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Re: Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

Post by mission_rave »

Same problem. I guess madrix needs a quick bug fix for this. as its a really important one.

Thanks. Bunty
(Club Tryst, Mumbai - India)
Posts: 735
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Re: Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

Post by Fritzsche »

We would like to thank everyone for their invaluable input.

We have set an internal release date, so the update to fix these problems will be released in the near future.

Thanks again.
Posts: 735
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: Madrix crashes after trying to save midi config

Post by Fritzsche »

Dear all,

We have just released a new update that should fix this behavior - MADRIX 2.12a.
